Thursday, December 6, 2007


performance art is the act of a person or group executing a work of art at a particular place and time. It can involve as many people or as few people as it needs, it is very open ended. A performance piece can span over any given amount of time, or it can be as short as a millisecond. While performance art makes me think of folks like Yoko Ono and other artist of the 60s and 70s, performance art in the west has been formally breaking boundaries since the Dada movement in the early 20th century. With Dada, music and poetry often were at the forefront, but this soon gave way to more adventure. Artists in the mid century began to use performance art to explore sexuality (using meat products and evocative dance) and religion (crucifying dead lambs). I appreciate all of this performance art very much. One artist that is always catching my attention (and I am not alone) is Michelle Gondry. He is well known as a film maker, but he is also a musician. He recently posted a short film on Youtube in which he solves a rubik's cube with two hands that come out of his nostrils. This short movie has a goofy feeling to it, but it was actually very difficult to accomplish.
here is the link

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